This past weekend I attended my dear friend and patient Daniel Leighton’s exhibit of his new artwork showing the history of his journey with Crohn’s disease.
In the picture below you see David and me with one of his pieces of art depicting the surgery he had to remove his colon. You see the incision down his main abdomen, and behind it is his heart opening. He wears a mask as he does not want to be seen for who he is yet.

Daniel gave a beautiful description of his journey from childhood until present. He thanked me in his speech for the help that I gave him using integrative medicine. You can see from this photo he looks very healthy and hardy now!
What may come as a surprise to you is that all his art at the exhibit was done on his iPad! In his talk to the audience he explained how the iPad was a perfect canvas to do his work because it gives him so many brushes and colors! This type of art will become the future, I’m quite sure.
Please visit his website to see more of his art, much of which depicts the journey he has taken to come physically emotionally and spiritually into more wholeness.