The Vitamin D Forum is UP!

I apologize to all my readers with questions that there was no way to REGISTER on my forum.

That is now FIXED and I love your questions. So let me know !

We have a vitamin D Section and another Section with questions about  Integrative Medicine.

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The Forum is up!

I apologize to all my readers with questions that there was no way to REGISTER on my forum.

That is now FIXED and I love your questions. So let me know !

We have a vitamin D Section and another Section with questions about  Integrative Medicine.

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Vitamin D forum Integrative Medicine questions answers

Dr Soram

Study Finds Benefits of Soy for Breast Cancer Patients

While soy is widely known to be a positive dietary alternative to animal protein, reports in the news  media have led many of my patients to fear that  "plant estrogens", such as those found in soy foods, will cause breast cancer, or can be harmful to breast cancer patients.


However, what is not widely known by the public is that the type of phytoestrogen that  soy is  rich in is called isoflavones,which actually may help protect against breast cancer.


New evidence from a December 2009 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the most widely-circulated medical journal in the world, supports the idea that soy is beneficial to women concerned about breast cancer.

[Read more…]

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Very New, As-Yet-Untested, but Intriguing Theory on a Connection between Autism and Vitamin D Deficiency

Five Harvard researchers recently published a theory in the journal Medical Hypotheses, which has not yet been tested but may be of interest to many patients worried about the controversial autism “epidemic.”

No one knows for sure what causes autism or what accounts for its increase in recent years, but here’s a brief rundown of these researchers’ thoughts:

Autism is associated with “de novo” mutations in the child’s genes. “De novo” means these mutations are not inherited from the parents’ original genetic codes, but occurred in their reproductive cells during the parents’ lifetime.

It is thought that environmental toxins such as mercury, cadmium, nickel, trichloroethylene and vinyl chloride may trigger these mutations.  This is supported by the fact that children from areas with high concentrations of these toxins have higher rates of autism.

The Vitamin D connection is that Vitamin D plays a key role in repairing and protecting DNA from mutation, caused by these environmental toxins.

Support for this connection was found in a population of Somali immigrants who experienced a high rate of autism in children born to parents who had moved to northern latitude cities in Minnesota and Sweden.  Autism had been unheard of in these families when they still lived in Africa.

In other words, if you are planning to have a baby at any point in the future, whether you are a man or a woman—you may be able to begin protecting it from autism now by ensuring that you have adequate Vitamin D levels.

Also, this is the reason that I measure heavy metal levels in my patients before they get pregnant. I then help the woman detoxify the metals before she conceives.




Vitamin D Supplementation during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding is Found to be Vital

Dr. Bruce Hollis, Professor of Pediatrics and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Director of Pediatric Nutritional Science at the Medical University of South Carolina, and Dr. Carol Wagner just presented the results of their major study on high doses of Vitamin D during pregnancy and breastfeeding at the 14th International Workshop on Vitamin D in Belgium.

They found that high doses of Vitamin D, as high as 4000 IUs, significantly improved health and outcomes for pregnant mothers and their babies.

Nursing mothers should take even more: 6400 IUs.

Dr. Hollis could not state this strongly enough.  “I think it is medical malpractice for obstetricians not to know what the Vitamin D level of their patients is.”

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are an incredibly important time in both a mother and child’s life, when she is giving the infant all the building blocks he or she needs to build the foundation for future bone health, cardiovascular health, immune function, glucose metabolism and brain development and the prevention of brain disorders.

600 pregnant women participated in the study, of diverse ethnicities and skin tones.  The control group was given the American Academy of Pediatrics-recommended 400 IU per day; the second group received 2000 IU; and the third, 4000 IU.  Discoveries included:

For the highest levels, premature births and premature labor were reduced by 50%.

Fewer babies were born smaller than expected.

Complications of pregnancy such as gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and pre-eclampsia were reduced by 30%.

Babies born to mothers receiving the highest Vitamin D supplementation had fewer colds and skin problems such as eczema.

Dr. Hollis and Dr. Wagner are now conducting a study on the effects of Vitamin D supplementation on breastfed infants.  According to their pilot trials, in order for nursing newborns to continue getting the benefits of Vitamin D, the mothers must increase their supplementation to at least 6400 IUs. In my practice I give the nursing mothers Vitamin D and also have the children take 400 IU per day. Obviously, this is especially important for children who are not being breast-fed.





Canada Craze for Vitamin D Testing!

Amusing news from Canada: Vitamin D testing, once rare, has become so popular among the general public that the healthcare system can hardly keep up. For instance, demand has outpaced the $645 million annual cap provided by the province of Ontario for such services.

Nothing like below-zero temperatures and several feet of snow to make people aware how much we need “the sunshine vitamin.” Let’s hope for some of that great public awareness to make its way down into the United States! You can get an at-home Vitamin D test from my Website


The Globe and Mail  



Fracture Prevention with Vitamin D in the ederly

An article analyzing 12 clinical trials of Vitamin D supplementation for hip fracture prevention in people over 65, was recently published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. 

The major finding was that fracture prevention was dependent on how much Vitamin D was taken. Higher doses meant reduction of fractures by “at least” 20% for the individuals 65-and-over who were studied.

Higher doses in the case of this article meant merely more than 400 Units per day!  Of great interest to me was that the effect of the vitamin D on fractures was independent of the patient taking additional calcium.

I have to wonder what would happen if every nursing home in America gave their patients 1000-2000IU of Vitamin D every day! For as we know other aspects of seniors health is also connected with low vitamin D. The bottom line for my readers is be sure you and your parents are taking vitamin D every day.




Vitamin D Enhances Lung Function in People with Asthma

Researchers from the University of Colorado and National Jewish Health have discovered that asthmatics with low Vitamin D do not respond as well to steroid treatment, and have worse symptoms in general, than those with higher Vitamin D levels.

Vitamin D levels, in fact, absolutely predicted how well a patient will respond to steroid asthma medications. The lower the Vitamin D level, the worse the patient does on the medications.

In patients with blood levels of Vitamin D below 30 nanograms per milliliter, airway hyper-responsiveness, a key symptom of asthma, was almost double that of those with higher levels of Vitamin D.

The evidence provided by this study shows that Vitamin D supplementation may help improve asthma sufferers conditions in a number of ways.

 The lead researcher, Dr E. Rand Sutherland stated "our findings suggest that low vitamin D levels are associated with worse asthma." Low Vitamin D levels were also associated with a worse response to this in which the standard treatment for asthma today.


My colleague and leading vitamin D researcher, Dr. Michael F. Holick, who is the director of the Vitamin D, Skin and Bone Research Laboratory at Boston University School of Medicine, commented on the study.He points out that “glucocorticoids (steroids) increase the destruction of Vitamin D, thus making patients with asthma at higher risk for Vitamin D deficiency, which in turn decreases lung function and makes their disease worse.”

 Once again we have the bottom line that all of us need to normalize and optimize their vitamin D levels, and in this case certainly all people with asthma especially if they are on steroid inhalers need to have their blood levels checked regularly.

The study was published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine


Update from the 6th Annual Sheila Kar Health Foundation Heart Protection Seminar

sheilakarOn Saturday, February 14th I was delighted to speak at the Sheila Kar Health Foundation’s 6th Annual Valentine’s Day “Heart Protection Seminar”.

The purpose of the seminar was to help people learn how to maintain optimum health through education on the necessary screening tests that are crucial in different stages in life.

While leading our busy and stressful lives, we tend to ignore symptoms that could end up in serious illnesses.  We wait until the disease is advanced or irreversible.  If everyone would get regular medical checkups, several illnesses could be avoided.

I enjoyed sitting on a panel with several other distinguished guests including:

  • Sandy Brewer, Ph.D.: Inspirational speaker, therapist, coach, humanitarian and Author of “Pursuit of light, an extraordinary journey”.
  • Gary Cohan, M.D.: Internist, researcher, radio talk show host, political commentator and lecturer. He pioneered work in Primary Care Medicine and HIV Medicine.
  • Sheila Kar, M.D.: Assistant Clinical Prof. of Medicine and Clinical Chief of Cardiology, Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute.
  • Jack Lewin, M.D.: Chief Executive officer of the American College of Cardiology, he is a physician, experienced association leader, and a public policy expert and veteran health care advocate.
  • Judith Reichman, M.D.:  Gynecologist and Women’s Health expert, medical contributor on women’s health for the NBC Today Show and author of several bestsellers on Women’s Health issues.

Together we discussed the safety, efficacy and drug interactions of complementary medicine.  And we also had a lively discussion on the proposed health plan as we see it.

Today’s tight economy has led people to resort to natural remedies to stay healthy, and this event brought together many people who wanted to learn more about doing just that!

Below are some photos from the event.

Dr Soram