Doctor Khalsa’s Recommendations for the Covid-19 Virus.
We have received many calls at the clinic about what to do to stay healthy with the Covid-19 pandemic. We have also had many calls with people who are sick and think they may have the virus. Do I have the virus? The most common symptoms for this virus are significant fever over… [more]
Integrative Medicine

Doctor Khalsa’s Recommendations for the Covid-19 Virus.
We have received many calls at the clinic about what to do to stay healthy with the Covid-19 pandemic. We have also had many calls with people who are sick and think they may have the virus. Do I have the virus? The most common symptoms for this virus are significant fever over 100.3 and […]

Why this Tannin Keeps Your Arteries Flexible and Blood Pressure Low, and the Best Sources of It
Proanthocyanidins, a polyphenols extracted from grape seeds, has scientists and nutrition buffs excited. Why? They are antioxidant powerhouse that also appears to provide major heart-healthy benefits. All polyphenols, in fact, are great for your health. They work by scavenging harmful free radicals in your body, and evidence is emerging that these compounds prevent the spread […]

Is the Junk-Food Gene Making You Crave Fattening Foods? Plus, How to Overcome It
Junk food, fast food, we know it’s all unhealthy, yet we still order takeout and frequent drive-throughs, sometimes several times a week. The top five reasons Americans eat junk food are convenience, availability, no time to cook, it’s quick and affordable — but at what cost to their health? A study conducted by the American […]

Dr. Khalsa’s Announcement of a FREE online Detox Summit starting TODAY !
My patients and readers know that for many years I’ve been advising them to avoid toxins and go through some type of detoxification. I have guided hundreds of my patients through detox from heavy metals, pesticides and solvents and most recently mycotoxins. I encourage my patients to modify their fish consumption so mercury does not […]

Stretching and Exercise: Is Stretching Before Exercise Dangerous? When Should You Stretch?
Most everyone who exercises (even those among us who may not have exercised since our high school gym class) has heard the advice to stretch. Doing so before, after and during your workout, we were told, would help to prevent injuries, reduce sore muscles and help us get a better overall workout. As it turns […]

How to Get Rid of Your Double-Chin (or Triple-Chin, etc.!) Naturally
Your double-chin may be inherited from your mother, or it could have been slowly accumulating due to the forces of gravity and time. You may also be predisposed to a double-chin because of the shape of your neck and jaw — and sometimes double-chins just happen, for no good reason at all. One thing for […]

Why You Gain Weight by NOT Sleeping. How to Sleep Away the Pounds
You know a sound night of sleep can do wonders for your energy levels, your appearance and even your outlook on life … but did you know it might also be instrumental in keeping you trim? Accumulating research is showing that getting enough shut-eye is crucial for your waistline, and if you’ve been skimping on […]

The Perimenopause Summit
To: My patients and readers, The Perimenopause Summit starts today! Menopause is when a woman stops having her period. It occurs on average at age 51 in the United States now. However the 5 to 10 years before menopause are called Perimenopause. Women in perimenopause can have lots of symptoms and lots of health issues. […]

Join me for The Immune Defense Summit!
More and more I am seeing patients who need more than one round of antibiotics and sometimes two or three to completely resolve their sinus infection or bronchitis. The things weâ??ve been reading in the newspaper about drugs getting resistant to antibiotics is really happening. In addition I see more and more patients who come […]

Free Women’s Heart Health Summit
Free Women’s Heart Health Summit I am sorry this is a week late! I should’ve gotten this post to you last week in my newsletter. This past week the FREE Women’s Heart Health Summit has been online. It officially ended but there will be one or two days where they will allow you to watch […]